Four basic principles of design

The design has principles and methodology. The author of this article summed up and analyzed the four basic principles of design and analyzed it to share with you.

First of all, it is stated that these four basic principles apply to, but not limited to, product design, graphic design, product planning, industrial design, mechanical design, environmental design, writing articles, directing movies, story writing, reporting to superiors, and quarreling with others.

The field of science and technology is divided into “basic research, applied research, industrial technology, and production experience.” Basic research in the field of science and technology, such as physical research, and the new experimental iron oxide can be used in all walks of life. Similarly, the basic research theory of human brain recognition can also be applied to all aspects of most industry fields covered by vision and language.

Now introduce the four basic principles: whole, logic, classification, and comparison .

Does it feel familiar? It seems that the elementary school teacher is teaching you to write essays. At first glance, it seems to be a discussion of writing essays during the college entrance examination, and then it seems that it is a routine for writing a graduation thesis in college. It seems that you have returned to the ladder classroom on campus.

Let me first explain the Black Forest rule in the order of “integrity, classification, contrast, logic”: in the vast grass … In the universe, all matter constitutes the whole of the universe, the whole of the universe, the total amount of matter The energy that is constant and can be used is also constant. All human beings on Earth are classified as human beings (small wholes), and the three-body people on three-body stars are also classified as a whole (small wholes). There are many differences in technology, appearance, etc. between the two small bodies, which form a sharp contrast of civilizations. According to the principle of conservation of energy in the universe, in order to compete for and occupy more of the limited energy in the universe as a whole, two civilizations broke out in war!

In the above example, the universe is a whole, and the two civilizations are categorized as two different small bodies. There is a contrast between them. Finally, according to the logic of energy conservation and energy competition, war broke out.

Starting with the theme, this article will introduce the four aspects of “integrity, logic, classification, comparison”.

1. Overall

After seeing so many things, I have not found that there is nothing that does not follow this principle.

For example, all cars, whether they are electric cars, hybrid cars, gasoline cars, diesel cars, Tesla, Chery, Porsche, Rolls-Royce, BBA, or even the concept car or concept car, are all cars Body and wheels, windows and doors on the car body.

Looking at the design of the phone, the screen, camera, volume key, lock screen key, and the logo of each manufacturer are also roughly the same size. I have never seen a cell phone larger than a computer or a cell phone smaller than a coin.

The same computer, monitor, mouse keyboard, screen; toothbrush, rod and brush head, bristles; 600 ml mineral water bottle, bottle cap, bottle body, plastic cover.

Why should the same thing follow holism?

[Answer] Reduce the learning cost of the same kind of things.

This cost includes the learning cost between different products, but also includes the transfer learning cost between products.

Human behavior is continuous, and this is related to the structure of brain synapses. In short, the present you are composed of the past, and the future you are composed of the present and the past. When a person first touches something, the first impression that is formed is that the structure of the initial synapse formation is difficult to change. At the same time, the balance of human energy and willpower accounts is also certain. If you have been to a Xiaomi notebook, you will be able to recognize it at a glance after you have contacted Huawei’s notebook. If you have visited Taobao, then you will not spend too much learning cost when you visit Jingdong.

In the case of limited energy and willpower, it can reduce the loss of non-core aspects, so that more accurate judgments can be made when making decisions in the core area. (Let’s talk about it here. According to the dimension of decision judgment, the current products are mainly divided into two types, one is to help people make better decision judgments, and the other is to consume a lot of energy and willpower and make people unable to make Correct judgment)

Similarly, if you can reduce the loss of people’s mental power and willpower, then you can reduce marketing costs, because at this time only need to promote the core advantages and platforms for marketing, only a little force can attract users.

Example: Design consistency of e-commerce platform.

Consistency of design of the same product, consistency of location design of different aspects of the same product.

The general overall structure of the e-commerce platform, the homepage, focus on the dynamics, customer support section, shopping cart, my personal homepage.

The homepage of the e-commerce platform: the banner of recommended products, the graphic navigation of product categories, and the list of recommended products according to users. The pictures, prices, and purchases of the products are displayed in the list, and you can view the details.

After clicking inside, the product introduction page of the e-commerce platform is also the same. The product picture display position, current price, original price, total sales, monthly sales, select product size, color, product introduction details page.

The integrity between the e-commerce platforms, the tone of the commodities and the integrity between the e-commerce platforms, in fact, there is also the integrity of the e-commerce platform products and actual products displayed in the mall.

It is convenient for users to transfer between different platforms, and it is convenient for users to go from offline scenarios to online. By reducing the user’s transfer costs, the core can be placed on marketing to users, helping users make better decisions, purchase accurate products, increase sales, and reduce the return rate.

Second, the logic

Remember to be taught from an early age to write articles in accordance with the structure of “time, place, task, cause, process, and result”, now do product analysis, what kind of environment (time, place), who (person), what Things (through), what problems (causes) to solve, and what results (results) to achieve (the services and effects provided during different business life cycles are also different). Work summary is also, background and tasks (time, place, cause), process (pass), performance (result).

Why should there be logic?

The core of human society is storytelling, which constitutes the world. Now people can see the history, but it is only recorded by their predecessors. No one can be sure they can remember it, and there are many different opinions about what is happening in the world.

Telling a good story, from civilization inheritance, cultural communication, business construction, to daily communication and communication, are the most important elements.

Good logic can make the story more easily convinced!

For example, Xiao Ming was sick. Xiao Ming didn’t cover the quilt last night. It was very cold last night and it rained last night. If it was replaced by “it rained last night, the weather was very cold, but Xiao Ming didn’t cover the quilt, and as a result, Xiao Ming got up this morning and got sick.” You can intuitively feel the logic to make the cause and effect of the whole thing clearer, and the reader’s acceptance of the story is higher.

How to become more logical?

First of all, we must understand what logic is, which is a summary of things, including abstracting out the core links and building models.

Logic is also a branch of philosophy.

(1) Abstract core link

The core link is the key link. For the description of a thing, the dimension is dismantled according to the relationship between the thing and the recipient, and it is divided according to the important dimension that affects the result to the unimportant dimension. If the measurement dimension is bi-dimensional or multi-dimensional, then the description dimension of things needs to be increased and re-divided.

If you divide the process steps, you can first disassemble the entire process to an indivisible level, and then divide according to the variables in the entire process, such as the approval process, you can classify the subdivided processes according to the role variable, Someone is responsible for this link, then these steps belong to this person.

(2) Construction process

The modeling section is briefly stated, and modeling is carried out according to the object-oriented aspects of the links, the influence of the links on the results, and the order.

There may be multi-line relationships in the modeling process.

Just give an example: live room

What’s in the live room? The video part of the live broadcast, the waterfall stream of comments, the functions of sending messages and gifts, watching the display of the personnel, paying attention to the anchor information, and exiting the live broadcast room.

Core: the video part of the live broadcast. Because it is the core, it occupies most of the screen.

The waterfall flow and messaging functions for comments are placed at the bottom of the page according to the conversation page ideas of mainstream and all non-mainstream products such as WeChat and QQ. Then, because they cannot block the core area of ​​the live broadcast, they are reduced to only show the most recent 3 ~ 5 pieces of information.

Anchor information, viewing staff information in the live broadcast room, the general group chat viewing staff function is directly pulled out horizontally, the user does not need to view all the needs, and also wants to attract more users to brush the gift by showing the first few ways of brushing the gift, simply pull all the staff Show it horizontally and put the first few big guys in front.

Sending gifts and paying attention to the anchor are generally placed near the anchor’s avatar. Some live broadcast rooms will also send gifts farther away, based on the analysis of the integrity of the live broadcast for the group.

3. Classification & Comparison

Classification and contrast are symbiotic and coexist. If there is classification, there is contrast. In the process of constructing logic, it must be classification and contrast. So I put the classification and comparison together to write.

Categorization and comparison can be said to be the basis of integrity and logic, and the same as dividing dimensions in logic.


After categorization, the integrity and logic will be more clear, and there will be a direct contrast between the different categorizations. More clarity means that the user’s cost of use will be reduced, and more things will be meant after extension.

I summarized the benefits, mainly in the following aspects:

  1. Clear
  2. Easy to find
  3. Strengthen impression

How to do?

It can be divided according to different dimensions. The definition of dimensions:

  1. Ability to describe a whole independently: the whole can be distinguished from other wholes at the same level through different dimensions, such as the price of the iPhone 12, and the phone model and configuration can be distinguished according to the price.
  2. Exist and do not interfere with each other: If things in two dimensions interfere with each other, it is a failure to divide, such as a shoe is also a children’s model, but also an adult model, how to choose in this case, how to choose, Someone will surely think that the boys and girls of 16th and 7th will buy it. Under the empathy, when the willpower is not developed at the age of 16 and 7, the children’s self-esteem will burst, like a rebellion in adolescence. ?
  3. Not included.

Insufficient dimension division may directly lead to product failure. Clarify who the user is and provide a practical solution. The test here is the ability to divide the dimensions.

If one is included in the other, such as the inclusion of the solution area, the inclusion of the provision of services, and the failure to gain insight into the mystery in time, it is likely to face competitors who already have an advantage.

Of course, there are also some that can be taken out separately, such as business highlights, function highlights, and commonly used functions. This is divided according to another dimension.

Dimensional division is not an absolute thing, nor is building an model an absolute thing. There is no absolute thing in the human world, only a more convincing story.

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