How much do you know about the connection between intelligent AGV car and other station equipment
1. AGV car and charging station
When the AGV car power is lower than the set charging power parameters, no task state, and on the automatic charging landmark (power landmark, standby landmark), the dispatching system background service automatically issues the charging task, and automatically allocates the corresponding charging station and saves the corresponding association between the charging and waiting AGV under the charging station.The automatic allocation principle is: according to the AGV charging mode and battery type, the charging station is allocated automatically according to the charging station with less to be charged.
2. AGV car and AGV car
When one or more AGV vehicles are at a certain intersection at the same time, the dispatching system will automatically trigger the traffic control background service at the intersection, and release the vehicles according to the conditions.Under normal circumstances, release the AGV at the first arrival intersection first. When the AGV at the first arrival intersection fails to meet the conditions, release the AGV at the next arrival intersection according to g.
3. AGV car and call station
When the dispatching system receives the call station task, it automatically assigns the AGV car on standby to execute the task according to the task priority, and returns the task execution result in real time.Until all tasks are completed.When there are too many tasks, the system will cancel the execution automatically.
4. AGV car and access control station
When one or more AGV cars are at an access control station at the same time, the dispatching system will automatically trigger the background service of the access control. Generally, the first to access control is released first. When the first to access control AGV is not at the access control floor, the first to access control AGV is released according to the access control floor.
5. AGV car and warning station
When the AGV car is abnormal, the dispatching system will automatically inform the warning station of the corresponding control area according to the current landmark of AGV, and inform the reason of the abnormal.
Integrated above is the intelligent AGV car and other station equipment connection work, there is no understanding of this aspect, welcome to contact the company at any time to inquire.