What are the five advantages of using the multi tier shuttle system?

In the automated warehouse, the shuttle car is also one of the important equipment with many advantages. What are the five advantages of using the multi-layer shuttle car system?

1) Improve operational capability

By using the multi-layer shuttle system, the large capacity storage area channel can become flexible, the system level can store different SKUs, and the FIFO can be easily managed.Deep alley storage can be configured to be as deep as the warehouse, while providing aisles only on the shelf or retrieval side of stored goods.The increase of space and the decrease of labor force can greatly improve the overall profitability of bulk or refrigerated warehouse operation.

2) Low ceiling clearance increases storage capacity

By integrating the multi-layer shuttle system, the storage space of the warehouse can be reduced by up to 50%.This option eliminates the need for up to one or two channels.This reduces the need to operate multiple forklifts in one area, thus greatly reducing labor costs.By using the shuttle car to create a narrower space for cooling, the energy consumption of the cold storage can be reduced by more than 60%.

3) Bulk product stacking

The shuttle shelf system is designed for each type of product, which can be stored very high and deep.It is very suitable for the products with big and loose outer package.The result is increased storage capacity and security, while reducing product damage.

4) Reduce forklift and labor in warehouse

The pallet shuttle system only needs one loading or retrieval channel to reduce labor.All the trips can be completed at the dock or the main channel, which greatly reduces the forklift trip, thus reducing the amount of labor required for each task.

In the application of cold storage, reducing the use of forklift can greatly reduce energy consumption.An ordinary forklift operating in a cold room at a lower temperature may lose up to 50% of its battery power and service life.The use of deep lane storage system reduces the need to operate multiple cars in the freezer.The shuttle system includes a high-power lithium-ion battery that allows it to operate seamlessly at temperatures as low as – 20 degrees.

5) SKU growth of bulk materials.

In today’s complex supply chain, SKU is growing well.With the continuous growth of SKUs, in order to make SKUs access each other independently, it is necessary to increase the square feet of ground stacked mass storage area.By using the deep lane pallet shuttle system, multiple SKUs can be compressed in a small area, which can greatly improve the storage capacity and the picking path efficiency of the bulk area.

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